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The doors of the church firm are open.
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What are #ChurchAnnouncements?
Definition: A moment in a worship gathering where events, “need to know” information, and opportunities to connect & engage are officially announced.
- The church “tea” (but not the messy kind)
- That insider info (but not the illegal kind)
- The plug
JiggyGroovy With It
Thank you for all who attended our live recording of our workshop “Ask me Anything: Tech, Trademarks, and Networking” with myself and the co-founder of the Groove community, Tova Safra.
We caused waves on Linkedin, Fam:
For the workshop, we had over 300 signups, 160 comments, 18 reposts, and lots and lots of conversation around building your community, curating the brand, and protecting the brand. #ReceiptsForTheCulture
There were at least five ways in which we discussed how Trademarks could be used to protect your brand as you build your community, including the following:
Becoming a Business Expert (Trademark Class 035);
Providing Education to Your Clients, Consumers, or Community (Trademark Class 041);
Gifting Your Community with T-Shirts (Trademark Class 025 - & Peep the Groove Shirt in the LinkedIn Live);
Gifting Your Community with Mugs, Tumblers, and Containers for Beverages (Trademark Class 018); and
Equipping Your Community with Journal Prompts & Inspirational Guides (Trademark Class 016).
Want to protect your brand as you scale your impact?
And want the recording to the amazing workshop?
As the great poet Fat Joe said, “yesterday's price is not today's price…”
So get the recording here while it’s still free 99.
Another highlight of the workshop was studying the dynamic brand of one or our dynamic (and dare I say, favorite) clients, Cultivating H.E.R. Space.

Cultivating H.E.R. Space is a weekly podcast community where founders Dr. Dominique Broussard and techie Terri Lomax initiate authentic conversations on everything from fibroids to fake friends.
Cultivating H.E.R. Space’s journey to trademark registration is one of resiliency & determination.
After their 1 millionth podcast episode, they had to change their brand because of possible infringement. #HardPivots
But Dom & Terri pivoted to purpose; instead of bowing out, they pressed in, shifted their brand, and invited Firm for the Culture to their show to debut their new name, discuss the ups and downs of brand protection, and chat about how business owners can prevent the setbacks they faced with brand protection.
Talk about turning lemons in sweet lemonade…
What’s the trademark lesson in this? Pivot to Protect so you don’t Pay Those Infringement Coins.
Listen to the podcast recording here:
Speaking of Live Recordings, JP Morgan Chase Will Bless Us with an “Ask Me Anything” Networking Session on March 16, 2023
You heard that right, fam.
On Thursday, March 16, we’ll have Nykole Prevost, Chase VP, Sr. Business Consultant, join Firm for the Culture in an “Ask Me Anything” Session on Small Business Building & Trademarks.

Together, Nykole & I will discuss:
How to focus on the business priorities that matter;
How to set proper “business boundaries”
How Trademark law can protect your brand as you scale your impact
And you’ll get to network with business owners shifting the culture.
It’s a vibe, fam.
Register here: Scale Up to Level Up March 16, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. PST
And #ThatsAWrap
The Doors of the Church Firm Are Open
I wanna hear from you, fam, what’s one question you’d like answered during the upcoming “Ask Me Anything” on Small Business Building & Trademarks?
Leave a Comment Here:
Want to monetize your brand through Trademark protection?
Know someone who’d love this community just as much as you do?
Thanks for reading.
See you next time.