Firm for the Culture | Serving Coffee & Folding Chairs
There's More Than One Way To Stand Out; Let's Get Into It.
“You would really do that for us?”
That’s what our client expressed upon finding out that I was jumping in my car to drive 2 hours to Oakland, California to help her….
serve coffee and unfold chairs.
Yep, you heard that right…
It was a few months after we filed her trademark application at the USPTO, and I called Justine to check on how business was holding up.
Less than a year ago, Justine left big law to start an lifestyle brand centered around Black women, wellness, community, tech, and unapologetic ambition.
She was gearing up to have a workshop in the middle of downtown Oakland when several of her team members called out at the last minute.
Talk about stress…
Without hesitation, I offered to lend a hand in whatever way was needed.
I prepped coffee and unfolded chairs in the beautiful museum space turned workshop and conference location.
And her event went off without a hitch.
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Now when you think of a law firm, you probably don’t think about lawyers coming into your business event to serve coffee and unfold chairs.
But in this new era we live in, long gone are the days where buttoned up suits and black briefcases automatically win the bid for client contracts and business.
And just as Firm for the Culture engages clients in a ways that are memorable and supportive, you want to think about how your business, whether it be a coaching program, coffee shop, or keynote speaking, makes your community and clients feel.
So let’s discuss three ways to build a brand that will stand the test of time.
Your brand story is more than what you sell or the services you offer; it's about who you are, why you started your business, and what beliefs and values guide your work.
Your brand story should be authentic, engaging, and inspiring.
It should resonate with your target audience and create an emotional connection between your customers and your brand.
For example, at Firm for the Culture, clients keep coming back to us because our brand intentionally centers the dynamic contributions of social impact enterprises and diverse founders.
Because of the work we do, diverse business owners and social enterprises - dynamic impact makers who are often left out of intellectual property conversations - begin to realize that their IP matters.
Because they matter.
Just as the brands “Starbucks,” “Patagonia,” and “Lean In” invoke a myriad of feelings for all who come into contact with them, you’ll want your brand to invoke feelings reflective of your authentic and dynamic brand story.
At Firm for the Culture, for example, our clients experience joy, innovation, and revenue generating social impact.
And because our brand is federally protected, we’re able to capitalize on our brand narrative through consistent marketing without fear of a cease and desist.
Because when you own the brand, you own the story.
Once your brand name and story is solidified, think of creative ways to scale your brand for revenue generating social impact.
Built a dynamic framework to help corporations increase diversity?
A certification or train the trainer license agreement is an effective way to bring your work to the masses without significant overhead.
Have a really awesome clothing brand that empowers trans youth to be comfortable in their own skin?
A brand collaboration agreement with a huge non-profit is an effective way to put your brand on the map while showing the world what you stand for.
So, impact maker, as you continue to build and scale, think about unique ways you can truly serve your clients, community, and marketplace.
Because in the end, as Maya Angelou noted, people will forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
And when you’re ready to protect your unique contribution to the culture, reach out to us.
Can’t wait to help you protect your dynamic impact.
And #ThatsAWrap
The Doors of the Church Firm Are Open
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❤️ Your clients are lucky to have you!
This perspective was phenomenal, it revealed a topic that many professionals and business owners alike experience. This article transcends professions, and touches many individuals not matter where they are in their success journey. This also reminds me to enjoy the path you're traveling, it was designed for YOU!